Dufour Association Rallies & Meet-Ups COVID prevented all our rallies in 2020 and 2021 but at the start of 2022 your committee decided that with members even more geographically spread we should provide the opportunity for any member to arrange a “meet-up” of members. The Association would then promote them and, given sufficient numbers, provide some financial support. In 2022 there were some 5 meet-ups proposed and discussed via the “Meet-Up Forum“. Now we hope to do the same for 2023 and would encourage members to both come up with plans and participate in these meet-ups. You can find details of how to do this here. Bembridge Harbour Meet-Up 2022 This was arranged by the Association’s Vice Chairman, Graham Bromley, and a full report will be in a later issue of Dufour News. I have left this meet-up live on the web site as an example of setting it up and the responses. This event took place in September with some pleasant weather, though two boats were unable to attend as they were wind-bound elsewhere. Some four boats actually got there and took part in some sociable drinks, comparisons of boat modification, cruising stories, and sharing of experiences. So much the usual rally content! Our thanks to Graham for organising this and we hope that as you plan your sailing for 2023 that more members will look to arrange a Meet-Up and to participate in them. |
Dufour Association Annual General Meeting The date of the Association’s Annual General Meeting has now been fixed and we hope members will be able to join us for the meeting, a free lunch and some socialising. We will also make the meeting available for members to join on-line. We really do encourage all to participate as it is useful to get member input on the subjects and nice, especially at the physical meeting, for some social interaction. We will assemble at 1115am (UK time) for a formal start at 1130am and conclude in time for the physical meeting to have lunch together and to socialise. The meeting will be on Saturday 18th March 2023 at CA House in Limehouse Basin in London. Further details are on the web site. Paid up members for 2023 may book to take part using the following link specifying whether you intent to attend CA House or attend online (in which case a link will be sent close to the event date).. For further details, and to book please click here. The Agenda will be published closer to the time. Links for the online meeting will be sent out a few days before. |